APC Leadership: Giadom Hands Over To Governor Buni

APC Caretaker Committee Chairman and Yobe State Governor, Mai Mala Buni, at the APC National Secretariat in Abuja on June 29, 2020.



The former acting National Chairman of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Mr Victor Giadom, has officially handed over to the chairman of the party’s Caretaker Committee, Governor Mai Mala Buni.

The handing over ceremony held on Monday at the APC National Secretariat in Abuja, the nation’s capital.

In his remarks, Giadom assured members of the committee of his readiness to support and work with the team towards the realisation of the party’s goals.

He also commended President Muhammadu Buhari and the leadership of the National Executive Committee (APC) for rescuing the party.

On his part, Governor Buni appealed to aggrieved APC members with pending lawsuits to withdraw them.

He said, “I urge all party members to heed the appeal by our leader, President Muhammadu Buhari (GCFR), on his call to all aggrieved members who have instituted various cases in courts to please withdraw such cases in the interest of our great party.”

According to the Yobe State Governor, the happenings within the APC in the last few months are not totally strange in a big political party.

He added that internal disagreements were common in all political parties and the APC was not an exception.

Governor Buni, who also inaugurated the 13-member committee, said, “It is time for this committee, therefore, to commence the process of true reconciliation among leaders and members of the party at all levels.

“It is our belief that the decision by NEC to constitute this committee will mark the beginning of a new chapter in our great party.”

Read the governor’s full speech at the event below:


Hon. Members of the Committee, Stakeholders here present,

Party supporters,

Staff of the Secretariat,

Representatives of the Civil societies, Invited guests,

Gentlemen of the press, ladies and gentlemen,

I am delighted to address you today on this very historic occasion in the life of our great party. It was six years ago when the All progressives Congress came on board.

What separates us from other political parties and endeared us to Nigerians, are the sincerity of purpose, our principles of internademocracy, and the unblemished integrity of the founders of our party.

Nigerians have trusted and still have the trust in us that the Party will create a country of our dream with a prosperous future.

As the party trusted by Nigerians and voted massively for two times in a row, we must shun away from any attempt to distract us from delivering the dividend of democracy to Nigerians.

What happened to us as a Party in the last few months is not totally strange in a big political party such as the All Progressives Congress (APC), internal disagreements are common in all Political Parties, so ours is not an exception.

It is time for this committee, therefore, to commence the process of true reconciliation among leaders and members of the Party at all levels.

It is our belief that the decision by NEC to constitute this committee will mark the beginning of a new chapter in our great Party.

To achieve this, I urge all Party members to heed to the appeal by our Leader, President Muhammadu Buhari GCFR on his call to all aggrieved members who have instituted various cases in the courts to please withdraw such cases in the interest of our great-Party.

Change is inevitable and disagreement on issues and concepts are an integral part of the human and institutional relationship.

As a political Party built on strong ideology and, parading men and women of enduring principle and integrity, we must prepare for real and anticipated changes and their consequences. The outcomes of changes that evolve in our party politics must be decided by us.

As the interim managers and leaders of our Party, our priority would be the recognition of the need to act appropriately and acceptably in the overall interest of the party. Our actions in the next few months would be proactive and responsive.

From now onward, we will concentrate on medium and long term development of our strategies and internal organisation to support our public standing as well as our chances of electoral successes in all future elections.

This is the time for us to focus with determination to create adaptive institutional capacity to weather the current divisions in our party.

I call on leaders and members of our great Party to put the past behind us and strengthen ourselves for all current and future challenges.

We will not be here today repositioning our party if not for the timely intervention of our indefatigable leader, the President, and members of the NEC.

We are totally grateful to President Muhammadu Buhari GCFR and the NEC members for this wisdom that brought the impasses to an end.

Our thanks and appreciation also goes to all stakeholders who stood by the Party in its time of turbulence and the great patriotic leaders especially the former NWC members who showed maturity and belief in the party unity by accepting the NEC resolution in good faith.

Our special appreciation also goes to our teeming supporters nationwide who stood firm and prayerful during the period of crisis.

We equally solicit for your support and prayers for the successful execution of this assignment.

I thank you all.