Kenyan president’s office environment denies promises he is ‘missing’ after China excursion – Tek Portal

6 mins ago


Tweeting with the hashtag #FindPresidentUhuru, Kenyans above the weekend claimed Kenyatta experienced not been found publicly given that he traveled to China in April.
“The President is around, it won’t mean that because he is not found in community he is not there, he has an place of work the place he goes every single working day and he is doing the job on quite a few things,” Kanze Dena, the spokesperson, said in a sequence of tweets addressing the rumors on Monday.
Kenyatta traveled to Beijing in April to show up at the next Belt and Road Forum wherever he fulfilled Chinese President Xi Jinping and sealed bilateral agreements with China.
Dena mentioned she was “stunned” by promises that Kenyatta hadn’t been found considering that he returned from the trip. She stated the president was current at a meeting with worldwide health and fitness group International Fund previously in May perhaps.

Nonetheless, Dena admitted she’d not been communicating the president’s pursuits as she must and promised to share info with the general public and journalists additional consistently.
The office environment also tweeted a photograph of Kenyatta in his office environment.
Her explanation has not stopped Kenyans from speculating about his whereabouts.
They are also demanding that Kenyatta, whose Twitter and Facebook accounts were suspended in March, return to the social media platforms.
Kenya’s Chief of Employees Nzioka Waita said the accounts were being deactivated to solution unauthorized entry.